Early Morning Wanderlust

I had to go to Fairhaven about 8 a.m. today for a fasting blood sample to be drawn, and after that was done, I decided to walk a few blocks to Avenue Bread and Cafe, located near Village Books.

After perusing the many delightful possibilities there, I made my purchases and headed back to my car by a circuitous route that took me past a light-hearted window display for Breast Cancer Awareness month, brilliant autumn leaves and some good advice, and a still life that I thought Lady Findhorn would enjoy, given her cycling prowess and fine eye for color.

It was interesting to be in Fairhaven before most of the shops were open. There were few people on the streets, but that would be a different story by 10 a.m., as Fairhaven is a shopping destination for people who don't like chain stores or malls -- every store there is independently owned. A prime example is the short block where Avenue Bread is located, where you'll also find Purple Smiles (an appealing wine shop), Fairhaven Toy Garden (an outstanding toy store), Eclipse Bookstore (a marvelous used bookstore), Wool Station (a well-stocked yarn store), and Fairhaven Bike & Ski, reflecting two sports dear to the hearts of folks here.

"Buy local" is easy to do in Fairhaven!

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