
By middaypyjamas

Let Sleeping Ducks Lie

Today I was driving home from work and spotted a mother duck and all her ducklings sitting in the middle of Mouth Alexander Road. For those of you who don't know it's a three lane road so the fact that these ducks were sitting in the nature strip in the middle of the road was pretty impressive. I quickly parked and ran on to the nature strip to photograph them, but impossibly they were gone! Somehow they must have crossed to the other side, dodging traffic along the way. Some impressive and determined little ducks!

Once my disappointment at missing that blipportunity resided I walked across to the park the ducks must have originally have come from and photographed this other duck. As you can see he wasn't planning on going anywhere, and was more interested in me not interrupting his sleep. Which aside from taking his portrait I didn't do.


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