Matts Photo Journal

By photomatt

Happy Halloween!

Mirror Mirror on the Wall,
Who's got the most lopsided hair of them all?

Me - The very humiliated Toy Fox Terrier!

My daddy took me outside when he got home from work and tried putting this evil hat/wig combo on me probably no less than 20 times. I immediately ripped it off after each attempt.

Daddy gave up (so I thought) and took me inside. He picked up a bag of cookies that I hadn't seen before and took me, the hat, and the cookies back outside. A cookie came out of the bag and I was a good girl and sat and waited. Daddy then put the hat on me again and asked if I wanted a cookie? I smiled and said of course! The camera clicked, I got my treat, the hat came off (my doing, not daddy's), and the next thing I know, my picture is being posted on the Internet!

While I enjoyed my Halloween treat, I do have to object to my daddy making me look like a really bad drag queen and then sharing the photograph for the entire world to see... The least he could have done was to get a wig that wasn't lopsided!


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