This is Halloween

At long last the day is here! We seem to have been preparing for Halloween for ages...the girls have been almost as excited about it as they are at Christmas. The morning was spent cooking party food for a Halloween bash here this afternoon for the girls and some of their friends. On the menu were butternut squash soup with jalapeño and cheese corn bread; severed fingers (or at least hot dogs made to look like them!) with onions and ketchup in a bun, then lots of squishy, gooey cakes and sweeties. There was much fun doing a bit of apple bobbing and then the kids tucked into some spooky jelly and ice cream. The older children made their own entertainment, using the cupcake stickman decorations to perform an impromptu puppet show. Then they went eerily quiet, but it turned out they had put the new 'Toy Story of Terror' movie on the tv! After the party, when darkness fell, the whole lot of them gathered their buckets and bags, wrapped up warm and headed out into the village for a spot of trick or treating. Grace declared it 'the best Halloween ever' and Ophelia agreed, saying the party was awesome because "there was so much FOOD!" I have to agree it was heaps of fun!
303/365 completed!

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