All Hallows'

Much has been done an decided today. I will not wear beige ever again.... Unless it is adorned with bright flowers!

I met a lady by the name of Dot this morning, a very amusing lady who sits with dying people for a living. Who knew such a job existed?
She moves in with and looks after the needs of terminally ill folk and when they stop breathing she lays them out. She seems to have a good take on life, and death.
I like her, she has that sort of dark humour that is quite delicious.

I've decided to keep a detailed diary somewhere, it will be mine, I think I might make my blips up from random lines from that place, a bit like how Bowie used to construct his lyrics years ago... from what I've listened to recently I think he still does!

Today's stuff:
Wonky donkey feet.
Sitting with geese .
Tweed jackets.
Machine mart.
Grim reaper.
Village vampires.
The Fleece.... like the vampires .

I will be taking part in the Lovember, not sure if it will be a challenge or just something a few of us will do. The idea is to blip some thing that you love for the month of November...

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