
Dark early morning
Bright, colourful flowers shine
through the dimly damp days

Haiku No 6


Spooky dark days almost
reminiscent cemetery graves
seen bright and alive

Haiku No 7

© Things Beautiful

My nasturtiums have started to flower in November! There are two flowers so far :):)

One exhausted TB today, its been a bit of a busy week (and it sounds as though next week could be the same, but I don't know yet, though I am working this weekend as normal)!

I did what I normally do on Halloween after work yesterday! Took myself, my dinner, Billy all upstairs having turned out all downstairs lights including the porch light that comes on when people come to the door.

A few years ago after I ran out of sweets a firework was set off right outside the kitchen window which badly traumatised Tigger (previous puss) as she was eating her food at the time!

I don't open the door at all now, was lucky enough to just get indoors in time before they started coming around (its not the children, its the irresponsible adults that come with them around here)!

Unfortunately whilst watching iplayer on my laptop, I fell asleep on the bed! Woke up at 1am very cold and for some stupid reason, hungry :) Got up heated my wheatsack and came back to bed, but didn't sleep for a couple of hours and woke at my working day time this week (6.30am)!

Looking forward to a relaxing day, though I will have to take some gorgeous slippers I bought last Thursday back to the shop (both of the heels are coming unstitched already...I consider that very poor quality indeed)!!

I have just booked a nice relaxing pedicure this afternoon too :):)

Off out babysitting tonight ;)

Thank you so much for all your lovely comments yesterday! Please bear with me, as I am trying to catch up with you all...so far behind...

Happy Friday folks :)

taken with my little point and shoot and I can't work out if there are any f stops though I've found it has ISO's :( A voucher for a new Canon Powershot is on its way (I don't know what that can/can't do either)

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