Autumn cameo

Well the weather app on my IPad showed a sunny face and said it would be dry all day - it lied! I hope this isn't the way things will continue during the winter as i need reliable information as to when to walk and what to wear!!

So, the dogs and I got a bit wet - never mind. We soon dried out as the very cool wind from the north confirmed that November was here and when the clouds eventually lifted from the top of Ben Vorlich it was to reveal the first snow there this year.

You may imagine my surprise and delight when i was returning along a fairly shadowed path to see this brightly lit cameo of the hills and trees lit up by a fleeting sunbeam. Brightened my day completely.

The parcel is now en route to Nevada - me next!

By the way it wasn't until later today when i had a look in large at my blip from yesterday that I noticed the dogs tails were in sync....

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