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With typical consummate skill & efficiency the old dope took off shopping sans camera. I really must replace the "Pointy shooty" to enable me to pocket something less conspicuous now and then.
Upon return I spent most of the day acquiring Church-neck painting the ceiling.
(How to clean a carpet - Spill water-soluble white paint over it, then shovel it up and wash the offending section of carpet. There is NO evidence of the spill, but I'll swear blind that those delicate, pale grey sections have turned bright white. Still, not to worry, we're hiring a carpet cleaner next week, just means it'll get a little more use than was intended.)
Anyway ... Job finished, we were fed, gloom was gathering and I dashed out for the dreaded something or other.
As a general rule most of the plants tend to be herbaceous, but gaffer fancied a touch of winter colour, so here one of them is.
And NO, I refuse to leave the "U" out of colour just to get rid of the red dotted underscore. I thought we were Brits.

Hands up all those who remember "Pansy Potter".

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