
For about 2 weeks every year in a local does look like Moses is kneeling in front of the burning bush. This year, if we have many more nights like last night...we might not even get the 2 weeks. Rain and wind are not a good recipe for keeping Autumn leaves.

I knew that if I knelt in front of the kneeling Moses I could get a different angle, but I would lose the red bush. I just wasn't prepared for what I saw.

MOSES HAD NO FACE! NO EYES, NO NOSE, NO MOUTH! Just a flat metal space underneath his hood. How in the world was he going to lead the Israelites out of Egypt without his eyes to see the Red Sea part...without his nose to smell the chariots approaching...and without his mouth to eat the manna? I'm so confounded.

"Do not come any closer," God said. "Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground." Exodus 3:5

One thing I did find out about the sandal of Moses...which is pictured next to his foot. I don't think it was supposed to be...but the shoe was detached. I slipped off my tennis shoe, and tried it on. It was at least 2 sizes too small.

How sweet would that have been to have a metal sandal...even if it was only one?

I would have had to break one of the 10 Commandments to own it though. THOU SHALT NOT STEAL!

I left it there.

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