
By TitsMcGee


Have missed my first ever day on blip. I didn't take a single photo yesterday!!!!

Any way. Today has been a busy one. Mr McGee took no1 son orf to see the boys football team (man city) for the first ever time. So that has has left me and no1 daughter togever!!!

It was a day of disappointment for her. Firstly she was supposed to be meeting up with the........boyfriend........ aaaaarrrgggghhhh can you hear my VERY high pitched scream?
But this was cancelled due to boyfriend changing the meeting time sooooo many times and finally didn't fit into day.
Then a friend if hers was supposed to be coming but they then cancelled last minute.
In between all this we had to pick up my dad who (thankfully) has given up driving (he has dementia) and take him to golf. We decided that mum and dad should come for lunch. So 15 miles to them, 10 miles to golf, 4 miles back to mine. Wait 2 hours 4 miles to golf, 4 miles back to mine. Felt soooo very sorry for Flora that we got very best friend EVER round. Had lunch went for dog walk took back parents 15 miles there, 15 miles back. Sat down briefly tried to take best friend ever back but they got me at a weak moment and bfe is now sleeping over!!!! Off to Tesco for tea, crispy duck and pancakes mmmmmmmmmm. And sit down to wait for over excited boys back. Am a dreadful mother as have no idea if his team won!!
Of to

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