Living In The Valley

By CatbirdCottage

A Happy Blue Bird

Hi folks, was so glad the bluebirds stopped by this evening to catch some sunshine. I hurriedly snapped a couple of shots before they were off. I apologize for the wires, but that's where they like to perch.

What an October we've had here. The hubster and I were each taking a week off in October and going to catch up on things that needed to be done around the house. The Sunday of that week, mother in law fell again and this time resulted in a broken wrist. So that threw everything in a whirlwind. We wound up having to stay with her several days. Since we didn't have to go to work it was easiest for us to do that. It was a long week......we are close enough to go back and forth home whenever we needed to, so I was home to check on Molly & Blizzie. (and on top of that, Blizzie came down with an infection and had to go the vet at the end of the week. Antibiotics for him and that has made him a new cat, (back to normal)

Mother in law has such poor balance and it was made that much worse after her fall. I honestly didn't know if she would stand again. Today she surprised me by walking to the table on her own. She has a cane but does not like to use it in the house. (and we see what happens when she doesn't) Anyway, for now things are improving, there will probably be another fall later, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

I have rambled on, hope things are well and good in your corners of the world.

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