Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Let me in.

Trip to Helensburgh for Granpa S's remembrance service as part of All Soul's. I was almost tempted to blip the Kirk of St Andrews as it has a stunning interior. Built in a cross shape, but with balconies on 3 sides. All wooden panels and inscense and stained glass windows. There was even a heavenly choir dressed in pale blue robes.

It was very atmospheric and a lovely way for the local community to remember loved ones who have passed away in the last 12 months.

Afterwards we headed to the La Barca for Tapas (we were here the night before Granda's funeral). We have discovered that all the Wee Weegies love Tapas !

There are stunning views over the firth of Clyde, however the pedestrianisation and roadworks spoil the view a bit.

I really wanted to blip the unused fairground, but I hadn't bought my tripod. I made do with this blip from the outside in.

Fee and Gee are about to move house (again) to a house nearby on the waterside - with an Aga (Gee is VERY pleased!). We are planning to spend Christmas there.

Stopped off in Grandpa S's house. But there was something missing.

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