l u c k y . 1 3

By erincamilleee

The Smaller Things

I get overwhelmed with the bad feelings and thoughts and get annoyed so easily.

I keep wondering why.
why did you do that?
why did you do this?
why that happen?

But I know why. Because feeling wanted is a splendid feeling, and self control takes a lot of practice.

Life is a twisty road with many turns and I have learned that these bad feelings and thoughts will soon be left behind at the next stop sign. No need to feel overwhelmed when in a month it won't matter.
It won't matter.
It won't matter.

But what does matter is the little things. The things that you can put in your car on this journey called life and the things you can travel with. This little guy, he matters. He matters a whole lot. And I can't wait to watch him take life on by the horns as he grows up. He's gonna go places, I can just tell.

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