
I was sure there was going to be a sunset tonight. Sort of but I needed to be further inland and this was all I saw. I like the accent effect.

More accent large

My work colleagues and I enjoyed freshly smoked trout for lunch today. I bring the fish and the others bring fresh bread, tomatoes, salad, cheese etc. We enjoy an hour together away from our desks. My colleagues like my out of work activities :-)

After work I picked up the other smoked trout from home, popped it in a plastic container and plastic bag and then bungy corded it onto my bike carrier.

My local butcher vacuum packs my smoked fish for me. I was telling him how on the way a car pulled up beside me at an intersection. I could see the drivers mind looking at my bike carrier. The fish tail was sticking above the plastic container (but still inside the plastic bag) and I could see him thinking "sure that isn't a fish?!".

Hee, hee, hee ;-)

Home for a run. I love fishing but often there isn't a lot of exercise involved. And here I am now. Still with little in the way of house work done but most of the weekends washing and mess is cleaned up.

My weekend blips are finally complete and I will be too once I've had a shower.

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