At Home: Bottoms up....x

The broody hen and her chicks are out! That is out of the brooder pen and into the big run. The chicks hatched almost a month ago..(see HERE) are pretty much fully feathered. They have a resemblance to tiny bald eaglets with their huge first feathers and chick fluff hair do's.

The chicks also become alot like unruly teenagers at this age. They ask for their mother for warmth and security, but she has begun to reject their purring tweets. With rejection comes independence. With independence come adventure. They dont wait for the clucking chant of their mother anymore. "Heres this", she points out with her beak, "Heres that". This time, they spy a scoop full of corn. Without prompting, they flutter on top and feast. No manners. Just tails up, head down....x

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