Meticulous painting will soon cover all this wall

This is an art gallery in the backside of the beach strip. The artist comes from a family of painters and has been working like this since he was a small boy. His subjects inside were all Hindu or Buddhist paintings on cloth so they can be rolled up for transport or for storing away if it isn't the correct time to show them. It is only the originals of these paintings that are done freehand. They take an age to make and are hugely expensive But tracings are taken and the outlines pin pricked so that when a black dust is put on the top of the tracing little specks go through and can be joined up to form the basis for the painting. The skill of this artist is then in how he fills it in and uses his imagination to add his touches and colours. As you can see from the painting it is made up of several sections because it is so large.

There was a man chatting to the painter as he worked but he turned his attention to me after I had been inside and I expected to be asked to buy something. Instead I had an incredible hour listening to him expounding his philosophy of life, quoting from the Bible, Qur'an, Einstein and so many more sources I became quiet giddy trying to follow his thread. In the end he said the only hope for western mankind was for us to emigrate to another planet as only the Bushmen of the Kalahari would be able to survive!

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