Stormy day

Stormy weather hit western Finland today and strong winds from the southwest have brought strong gusts of 20 m/s. When I was walking Sami in the evening I had both raincoat and umbrella - the wind was so strong that the umbrella got broken and the walk felt like an adventure.

In the lecture today two communication theories were discussed: Social Penetration Theory and Uncertainty Reduction Theory. The first one is adapted also here in Blipfoto -- blippers ponder how much they share their personal issues here and how much they reveal about themselves.

Social Penetration Theory
Interpersonal closeness proceeds in a gradual and orderly fashion from superficial to intimate levels of exchange as a function of anticipated present and future outcomes. Lasting intimacy requires continual and mutual vulnerability through breadth and depth of self-disclosure.

Uncertainty Reduction Theory
When people meet, their primary concern is to reduce uncertainty about each other and their relationship. As verbal output, nonverbal warmth, self-disclosure, similarity, and shared communication networks increase uncertainty decreases—and vice versa. Information seeking and reciprocity are positively correlated with uncertainty.

In the afternoon our speech communication analysis group (Elina, Jannica, Sanna, me) went to listen a trial lecture for the title of docent by Doctor of Social Sciences Esa Reunanen. The topic of the lecture was " A Journalist between objectivity and subjectivity". Our task was to analyze the lecture and then we need to write a report about it. It was an interesting task to do although the lesson was a bit abstract to me.

Today's picture is from the lecture - I always carry colour pencils with me; colorful highlights brightens up notes!

+5 C, rain and stormy wind

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