Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

RIP Uncle T

Today was my Uncle's funeral. It was a lovely send off and it was wonderful to see everyone again on Nottingham. It was a long day and my cold, though a lot better this morning has slowly crept back during the last half hr on our return journey (2 1/2 hrs of constant drizzle & mist).

Don't get me wrong about this blip as taking photos at a funeral can be a tad disrespectful, but I took this of my dad and my brother at the reception as I felt it captured the "reflecting mood".

You will be missed Uncle T, but my Mum will be looking after you like brothers and sisters do.

My son, who didn't attend, told his mum this morning that Daddy will have TWO Guardian Angels.

Bless him.

Night night..... Gota shake off this cold.

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