Oval with Points (again)

Had to go into town today to visit the surgeon. He removed my plaster and looks like all is well, scar is healing well. Thrilled to be rid of the plaster which was getting very itchy. Have to go back in a month's time.

Took the opportunity to run a few errands whilst in town and had a quick lunch overlooking the harbour by the ferry, and I was thrilled that Martin came and joined me with his lunch, I so appreciated that.

While in town, I walked past this sculpture that I've blipped before. It's been wrapped up for a few months so I was happy to see it unveiled looking nice and clean and shiny. Here's Oval in July and September.

Back to DB, feeling totally zapped, really couldn't operate when I came home ... and I had two cakes to bake.

Baking all done now and tomorrow I shall decorate.

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