Diwali Celebration

I was invited to a Diwali celebration today by my friend Moulina, who is also my physiotherapist. She has been wanting to have me over for ages, but life's just been too busy.

Today was the day though, and she'd prepared a great Indian feast with homemade sweet treats too. All lovely and lots of colour and lights ... And this little gorgeous decoration called 'rangoli'. I'd never seen one before. Apparently all Hindu homes have them in their entrance way during Diwali, usually made out of powder. But they have a dog, so they opted for the non-messy version. I thought it was lovely and very grateful for the blip-op!

She explained a lot about the Diwali festival which I had absolutely NO idea about, despite having been born and brought up in Dubai. Embarrassed I was.

Ended with date night with 'the man'! Very grateful that he managed to pull away from work (during this busy, budget time) and come home early. Two more sleeps and Ben's back. Yay.

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