Our Penstemon

I was all prepared to go to Westonbirt Arboretum with a friend today, but he had to cancel. I weighed up going alone and then thought better of it, as the time could be better spent working at home. But I'm not sure it was.

So at teatime, when Helena was expecting her client I nipped out to the garden in the fast fading light. I tried using a flash but had terrible results. Of the various colourful images I recorded I am sticking with this Penstemon which I bought earlier in the year. It has flowered nearly continuously so i am very pleased, as it is the first I have ever grown. I shall get more.

Got to go back to the grindstone, as we are going to the cinema tonight to see a relayed play by alan Bennett from a theatre somewhere.I hope it is funny, as I could do with having a laugh.

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