Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

All We Like Sheep

The morning came far too soon....and with the car pointed in the general direction of school....I managed to ease my way slowly into the day!

Professional Development...or (Personal Daydreaming) depending on your perspective is really an event that happens when outside pressure strikes at the heart of Management!!! .....And the KHDA inspection looms!!!!!! Outstanding, Good or Acceptable is at stake!!!

Fortunately its survivable if you take the light hearted approach and realise early on that most of what you're hearing is really the speaker using his multiple intelligences to get the message through to himself! In some measure it also serves to get through to those who didn't do the preliminary required reading! Otherwise......

.....Its a great opportunity for people watching...specially with the group dynamics!

Alas that excercise is soon curtailed..... for there are interactive workshop sessions where feedback is needed.

Our Support Services Team came away with the jackpot!.....more Attainment Targets than Jebel Ali shooting club and more Stepped Learning Ladders than Ace Hardware!!

Put it all down to experience....and for two more days I need to attend school to facilitate the handover as Farah returns from maternity leave! The week is already begining to look busy.

For now...its a very quiet evening and hopefully a restful weekend with the certainty possibility of a barbeque tomorrow night!!!!!

Somehow when its down in print it appears somewhat more achievable!!!...(the barbeque I refer to!!) this space!

Happy Blipping Everyone

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