Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Pee for progress

Once he's able to stand and kick a ball, we'll get out in the garden. Until then, there's always books...

I took the morning off today so we could pop down to the Australian Consulate in Leith to put in the paperwork for the wee man's passport. With a little luck, he'll have his Aussie passport in about two weeks time. Woohoo!

He's getting much better with his finger skills now. In fact he insisted on eating his rice dinner with his fingers tonight. He's still getting more on the floor than he is in his mouth but he's definitely improving.

And then, as we were finishing up our tea tonight, he joined in a game of pretend sneezes with us, which he absolutely loved - although for some reason mummy's sneezes were much funnier than daddies. I can see I'm going to have to practice...

Whenever I'm home in time (which is far more often now), I give the wee man a bath or shower just before bed. Then when Nikki takes him to dry him off, he likes to admire himself naked in the bedroom mirror. It's actually become a bit of a ritual that he has a little pee while he does so. Not tonight though. Instead of doing it in front of the mirror, he stood up and pee'd in the bath instead. I guess that's progress.

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