It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

How many fingers am I holding up?

What a hectic day of meetings, mostly enjoyable but a few challenges too!

Straight after work, I headed into town for another meeting. On the way to St Peter's Square, I bumped into Katja, an old friend from Uni'. She was out running....shouted "hiya Andy, I'm engaged"....bounced up and down looking very happy, gave me a peck on the cheek and jogged off with her mate!

I compromised my ethics and had a coffee in the least well known of the well known coffee chains! Good result in the meeting with the quote "I didn't know I wanted that until you told me I did".

Then it was a total rush to Chorlton for run training. It was pouring, I was tired but knew that as soon as I got going, I would be fine. I was late so missed the plyometric warm-up exercises.....they don't really suit my motor-skill abilities.

I think only 20% of the people in the session did what the coach asked, me being one of them. The end result was that for most of the sesh I was running by my sanctimonious self! "Undisciplined muppets" I thought.

I missed the train home so went for a slice of pizza at Slice. Home way too late!

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