Muttley's Musings

By RuralDave

Stary Sky

Probably worth a look Large for a look at the night sky.

Another early start today to watch some sportscar racing from China, hopefully Allan McNish, Tom Kristensen and Loic Duval will win the World Endurance Championship this morning. At the moment it's looking good for this to happen.

The bonus of getting really early (2.30am this morning) is that occasionally you get a nice sky to look at. This morning I stepped out for a breath of fresh air and saw that the stars were out, so I thought I would give a try. While setting up my tripod I have seen two shooting stars, and a satellite, which I think might have been the Lacrosse 5 satellite which is described as an American Spy Satellite on the web.

This is a view from my back garden. I think I might venture out further for a better location on another evening for a better view of the night sky as I am always fascinated by looking at the stars. Once I got the pictures on to my PC I was amazed at how many more stars I could see on my screen than I could see outside.

Update Allan, Tom and Loic finished third and are now WORLD CHAMPIONS!

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