Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

Wizard Flats

D'you reckon there's an inexhaustible supply of "them there days".
Today's the day I do my week's work ... A couple of hours playing with watch straps and batteries.

It must be 2 or 3 successive days of Sun now, must be summer at last, the cars have come out, just like mosquitoes, and we couldn't find a free park :¬((

On the way from Park to what passes for work we passed this stack of "Supported Independency" units.

A bloke I normally hadn't a lot of time for at work re-Christened them, I don't suppose I need explain his logic?

Comical aside

I don't know what the hell I typed, but "Word" took a notion to call them "Supported Inelegancy" units

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