Caturday Morning: The Name Game

Tabby. Mr. Tibbs. Tibbies. Tabbeez. Tibbins. Tibbin-zee. Mr. Tabby-Pants. Mr. Vinzini. Vinzy. Minzy. Binzy. Fuzz Boy. Whisker Boy. Kitten. Big Boy. Baby-cats. Mr. White Paws. Puss. Batch Tabbins. Dexter.

Oh, yes. You can call him by any of these names. But he may or may not come. Maybe he'll take a message and get back to you later. (Unless, of course, it involves food, treats, or rattly mice!)

With cats, it's always a name game, isn't it?

In this photo: Dexter the Tabby has just enjoyed a good morning slop in the bathroom sink with his mum. He's already had first and second breakfast, has washed his white paws thoroughly, and is getting ready for the morning's play session before settling into the first of the day's naps. (So many naps, so little time! *sigh*)

The song. The original: Shirley Ellis, The Name Game. And a fun remake of the same song, starring Jessica Lange.

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