Reading a good book

The boys and I had a lazy morning. It was 10 am before we went out for a very wet and rainy walk.

I needed to do some shopping on the way home and then off to Hillerød to see my sister and her family for a lovely Martinmas Eve.

Martinmas Eve is the evening before St Martin’s Day. Many Danes eat roast duck or goose on this evening. According to the legend, St. Martin was revealed by some geese when he modestly hid to avoid becoming a bishop. He therefore decided that every year on this day, 11 November, the geese must lose their lives to be eaten. We had duck though.

This is my youngest nephew Marcus. The dog in the book he is reading, is performing some very advanced moves. Balancing on a ball on just one front leg is a bit more than what the Hazyland Boys are able to do! ;-)

Hero's routine from the Nordic Championship is now online. You can see it here!

See you tomorrow!
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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