Off Centre

By RachelCarter

#Lovember the 10th


Today started as a good day to photograph light, but after a few loads of washing and hanging it out, Tess's homework, getting a bit of shopping, then lunch and getting Tess ready for a party, it had clouded over and my walk with camera was rather cloudy.

Over lunch we watched the news and the reports coming from the devastation caused by the typhoon in the Philippines. It's too easy to detach ourselves from something so far away but the pictures and the tragedy made us all silent momentarily. I feel anything I say will be lame and ineffectual but the situation haunts me and so does the thought that the suffering will go on and on.

It was a nice walk. We went along the board walk to Crow Point - on a not windy day for a change, and turned right towards Saunton. Over the bay we could see people like tiny stick figures on the shore at Grey Sands between Appledore and Westward Ho!

I've decided what I still want to take pics of for Lovember and cloudy beach isn't one of them, so I was relieved when the sun peeped between the clouds momentarily.

I love light. I love it more now I know how crucial it is for photography. I have become like a camera: I perform better on brighter days. And I have become increasingly obsessed with the weather in the last 2 years.

We walked fast without Tess and probably covered about 5 miles before going home so Richard could get a surf in before dark and I could prepare a roast dinner.

I harvested the parsnips from the garden. They weren't very big but I was too excited to leave them in the ground any longer. I also harvested the calabrese because I don't think it likes the cold. I plodded around in the cold and near dark and thought about the mess and the jobs that need doing.

Richard came back from his surf earlier than expected with bruised ribs and a snapped board. Oops.

The teens stayed in their rooms all day, only coming out to feed.

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