Delph Wynd Daily

By delphwynd

Just Resting

Took a walk up around the old school earlier and it really is diminishing by the day, and will soon have been completely reduced to rubble. All that's left here is the rector's offices, a couple of common rooms and dining halls, and the English corridor with the geography/languages corridor on top.

Had an interesting conversation with Euan, in between him jumping in and out of bushes playing Taliban and Special Ops (used to be Japs and Commandos in my day, that's progress (?) for you). He wondered why the local council didn't just issue the local kids with sledgehammers and hard hats and let them go to town on the building? He opined that it would save a fortune and provide an outlet for all that mostly misdirected youthful exuberance (he didn't put it quite like that, I got the gist of his idea and we came to a consensus on his logic). Seemed to me a perfectly reasonable suggestion and, having attended the school for six years myself, one which I would happily take part in.

I'd imagine it's be something like a scene from a post-apocalyptical Lord of the Flies and I'm sure the building would be gone in a weekend, not the three months it's taken these shilly-shalliers. There wouldn't be the need for the ten or so heavy machines pictured here and the money saved would ensure the new school had the resources it needed to deliver a first class education.

Not sure how the Health and Safety Executive would feel about it mind you....

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