My Aim is True


Road to Nowhere

We're on The Road to Nowhere

Oh dear. didn't achieve very much today. Bumped into a neighbour in the street. She was very twitchy, her left hand seemed to be affected by some sort of involuntary movement. Shielding her eyes from the sun. Fiddling with her hair. adjusting her specs. Back to fiddling with her hair. I thought there must be something wrong with her.*

Watched Religilous tonight. I had put it off as I thought that it was just going to be Bill Maher taking easy shots and laughing at people that he'd duped into appearing in his documentary. (that's what the trailer makes it look like). But it's really good. He knows his stuff and argues really well with all the people that appear, he doesn't make them look like fools; they make themselves look like fools. I would recommend it to everyone. Even religious people, because , after all they are only one god away from being atheists.

I discovered today (via popbitch) that it costs 200 quid to enter your album for the Mercury music prize. and then 300 quid (excluding booze) to attend the event. with approx 1200 people attending. So the £20,000 prize must still leave the organisers with a healthy profit. But just how crap is Speech Debelle? Mind you I would rather listen to her music than hear her being interviewed. Dearie me!

* I am assuming her twitchy left arm was down to the HUGE , very shiny and sparkly diamond ring that she is now sporting

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