Monday: The Way Home

Well, I have no idea what got into the weather today.  It was wind like I have never known - at various points I was worried that I was going to be blown off to Kansas.  Several trees have come down in town and a general warning to stay indoors was issued.  I stopped off to take this sort on my drive home - what I didn't realise when I took this was that just round the bend a massive old tree had blown over - the roots sticking up were the height of a person which gives you a sense of the tree.  'Luckily' it had fallen into the gardens, rather than across the road. It would have made quite the shot but, unfortunately, there were cars behind me so I couldn't pull over.

K. and I have just been hooting over a story in our favourite love-to hate 'news'paper, the Daily Mail, about a live newt found wriggling in a vegetarian's salad.  There was a lot of emphasis on the fact that it was a vegetarian's salad - the implication being that us meat-eaters would have just fallen on that newt.  Even I have my limits!

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