Journey Through Time

By Sue

Auntie says... put this one up for the day. So, here it is. This is the entrance to the Japanese Island area of the park. She and I went to Lake Sacajawea in Longview, WA so I could see it one last time in autumnal glory. Most of the glory was long gone, but it was such a pretty day and we still found some nice things to see and for me to photograph. Some of the keepers are on my Flickr page. I saw some different ducks today, too. Well, new for me anyway. There were Scaups there, but I don't know which ones they are - Greater or Lesser. I followed around those damn Buffleheads, but they stayed out of decent range of my lens. My dreams of being a wildlife photographer keep getting dashed. There aren't any photos of those in my collection now. Taught them a lesson and deleted them. But, a little group of Redheads and Scaups floated closer and they are in the collection.

I could have posted a photo from yesterday but for some reason I forgot about it until after midnight. Rats. Oh well.

Must go feed the troops. See ya!

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