
By cracker


This morning Spence and the whole of the Junior School had their end of year performance at the RSL club. We had to drive them there by 8.15 then it started at 8.40! Spence was torn between being so excited and a bit scared! He said to me as we were walking in 'we get to sing up on a big stage!', followed with 'but I don't want to do it'!

The Prep class was singing Dynamite by Tao Cruize and they were so cute! They had actions and a bit of movement up on stage! It was great! They had to wear anything fluro or bright so Spence had his fluro green shirt with a blue tshirt underneath then green shorts and his shoes that light up! And his spiky hair of course! He loved it!

We went to look at a house after school for us to potentially buy. It's in Battery Hill which is still in Caloundra but closer to the beach. Some parts are a bit dodgy and the house went to see had a couple of dodgy houses next to it. The house itself had previously had some work done to it but hadn't been finished very well. It didn't have a pool either.

So that one isn't for us! I am looking at another one tomorrow afternoon but unfortunately Kaz will be in Brisbane so she can't see it until Friday. It is two story , 4 bedrooms, has a pool and is old enough that you could do a renovation on it and improve its value but it's fine to live in straight away! So we will see!

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