His 'n' Hers

Bit stuck for a blip today, as I was indoors all morning (while it was sunny) at a U3A meeting. It was a Technology for All class and we had a very interesting speaker from the local Trading Standards Office, who advised us on security on the phone, the internet and the post. She told us some true-life stories of people who had been scammed by real experts and had lost their life savings and their businesses, so it can happen to even the most normally savvy people. Very thought provoking!

Spent the rest of the day at home, doing odds and ends and generally wasting time and then realised I hadn't taken a picture all day. So these are our anniversary flowers which are opening up nicely now. Sorry it's another flower picture, but I'm not sure how long they'll stay looking good and wanted to have a record of them for myself:-)

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