From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Cheeky little git!

That so and so looks right to look nervous after swinging on my suet cake holder and wrecking it completely this morning. It crashed to the floor with bits of cake flying everywhere with Mr Squirrel sitting high on the fence expecting me to hurry up and fix it for him. I went out with my hands on hips swearing at the furry fiend. All he did was wrinkle his nose at me. I picked up the broken holder and tossed it in the bin on the way back into the house.

Matt from Networks phoned me shortly after that to sort out a delay problem when I try to send things from the Oracle System Admin mailbox. It was driving me bananas when I would tell people I'd sent something to see it still sat in the Outbox. I don't do patience well especially when it's something silly. Matt darted about my screen clicking on various settings from his desk in the council house while I sat by my front room office window. A couple of quick tests afterwards proved that everything was up to speed and fixed.

Tesco Man came next. Another different one turned up today. He was very polite and highly efficient offering to bring everything in and put things away! A while ago I might have been delighted but I assume he thought I looked like an infirm old biddy reminding him of his granny. Sigh!

The rest of the day went quickly in a flurry of user setups and minor report amendments. I caught the furry monster hanging off the nuts later when I went into the kitchen for a refill of peppermint tea which I seem to have developed a taste for.

That's it. There endeth Tuesday.

Track? I like more modern versions of this one too - Nazareth and Gary Moore - but here is the original by The Yardbirds from 1966 - Shapes Of Things

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