War! - Episode 35

Now the Megabloks invasion has been defeated, the Sheriff races to Bag end where the Legodudes were being protected by Constable Matthews, deputy Paxman and the dwarves. Last we saw, Megabloks troops had discovered the hideout! The Sheriff finds a scene of devastation with bodies lying everywhere.

The Sheriff (left wearing hat with star): 'Oh no, are they all dead? We failed to save the Legodudes'.

Constable Matthews (standing behind fence with helmet): 'Don't worry sir, they're just dead drunk. I will now give my report. Three enemy troops attacked Bag End. They refused to surrender and were cut to shreds in a matter of minutes with no casualties on our side. Afterwards, the two inhuman enemy troops were cooked and eaten by the dwarves whilst the human one was burnt. In celebration, Thorin Oakenshield opened a barrel of 'Old Thunderskull's Peculiar Strong Ale'. Humans who partook passed out after a couple of pints, dwarves succumbed after about fifteen barrels. Being on duty I made sure I stayed sober. Sadly deputy Paxman wasn't so conscientious and is thus lying through the fence'.

Bombur (dwarf holding plate): 'The blue one tastes like lobster, whilst the bird headed one tastes like turkey. I'm going to boil the heads to make soup'.

Bilbo Baggins (standing next to Bombur): 'Such a mess was made, I'm only just finishing cleaning up. This is my house you know, the dwarves simply moved themselves in'.

The Sheriff: '...OK... Well at least you're all alive that's what matters. I've good news, the invasion has been defeated'.

Deputy Paxman (lying through fence): 'Yay, urrrgghhhh'.

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