From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Oh no! I will be clucking and growing feathers!

I really am stuck for words this evening so this will be the shortest blip in history.

I was full of good intentions to get out after I'd logged off for exercise and to get a decent picture but as you see, I didn't manage it. It was one of those days and the only picture I took was of the roofs and streetlamp opposite early this morning. OK, I like lamps and the sky was a rather nice shade but it's not anything to go wild about.

Absolutely nothing happened today. I plodded away with report amendments and carried on experimenting with data loaders but that was it. Oh! I found a home for my Kodak ink cartridges too. I stuck an advert on the 'Classified Ads' page of our council website explaining that they were new and unopened but I was getting rid due to the death of my printer and there would be no Lazarus style resurrection. I put the price as being a box of mince pies but not Kipling! I was quite pleased when someone in my own section I don't see very often with a daft title - Change Manager or something equally silly - emailed me to say his Kodak Hero 5.1 was great and asked how many cakes I wanted. Sorted! I told him he could pick up the cartridges on Monday when I was next in.

I took my advert down quickly and realised with horror that I'd spelt 'resurrection' wrong! I'd spelt it 'ressurection' with two 's's and only one 'r'! What a pain in the rrrrrrs, literally! I'm a bit of a dragon when it comes to spelling and punctuation so for me to place an advert with a horror in the middle of it is virtually unforgivable! I think I'd better do some self-flagellation after Masterchef later. Oh well, so much for that. At least my ink cartridges are going to a good home and I can stop daydreaming about a ruggedly handsome stranger striding through the office waving his mince pies at me. Sigh!

Oh yes..I'd better explain my odd title. I was having a blip chat with Baron about eggs earlier (as you do) and I told him that I have boiled eggs on Saturdays and Sundays, fried eggs on Mondays and Wednesdays and scrambled eggs on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Now, I think that is rather too many eggs, don't you? I haven't started laying any yet and haven't noticed any feathers in odd places but will keep a beady eye open for any strange signs.

Quack? Track? Now this is one I haven't heard for ages but I remember dad having it on a compilation tape in the car. He was very much into the Shadows and anything guitar orientated. Here's a song from 1966 (as was yesterday's Paint It Black) from floppy haired Johnny Rivers - Secret Agent Man

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