A prickly business .....

....... photographing teasels ..... look at those stem thorns and the spiky tops!!

Went out specifically for the sunrise - it was nice and I took a number of pictures but liked this one when I got home ...... especially for you, MD, I know how much you like to photograph tease (ls) - lol!!!!!!

A thorny problem .....

Very pleased that so many of you liked the aerial view of Kew Gardens yesterday - I had some shots of the Thames running through the city that I considered too but very glad I chose the garden one ..... it shows a surprising amount of detail for my point & shoot ..... I love to see aerial shots myself, both of places that I have been and places I would like to visit ..... thank you for all your comments and stars.

Spending the morning at my Mum's trying to ferret out the naughty little gremlin that seems to have taken up residence in her laptop - he is busy duplicating folders all over the place and moving stuff around ..... I may have to ask some of you techie types for advice if I can't solve the problem - at the moment I am busy backing up photos from our America trips and other important stuff that is on there - copious cups of tea and cake and biscuits are provided and it means I get extra visits to see Mum - always a bonus!!!!!

As always, I am woefully behind with comments but I know you understand as you are a lovely bunch of blipbuds out there ..... sorry, sorry, sorry.

NIKON D5200 : f/5.6 : 1/30" : 105mm : ISO 1250

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