
By Appreciation

I have been looking for fairies at the bottom of the garden since I was a young girl. They are difficult to track down and not nearly the help that had been suggested by my mother when I kept asking for things and her reply was often ' aye and we've got fairies at the bottom of the garden'.

I met with my friend today. She is an ardent Hibs fan, much, much more than me. Her son however has recently signed with Hearts juniors. Now if you know nothing of football you should know that this is a local rivalry and it causes her much angst. Tonight her boy, playing for Hearts, are playing Hibs. She tells me that she has to gag herself for fear of loosing sight of why she is there and supporting the opposition. It can't be easy but it did make me laugh.

I was also reminded of the closeness of birthdays and other big events so I took myself into town to focus my own mind. I couldn't help being surprised by all the decorations and Christmas music in the shops! Oh heck, another year and it seems like it is happening again and still I am in denial. The bus journey all the way to town - 20 minutes - was taken up by listening to a female having a conversation on her phone. I did try not to listen but the whole top and bottom deck could hear. She was unhappy about her current training and not at all sure that she would be working in her chosen profession, a health professional. However she was looking forward to Christmas spent in Thailand. My jaw only dropped at the end when she said Listen honey I'm getting off the bus now so I will let you get back to chilling and concentrating on your driving!

I tell you what, I am turning into a very grumpy woman, I had to restrain myself from asking her to turn down the volume and did she know the hazards and legality of talking to someone whilst they are driving.

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