
By Appreciation

Back with Mother again today. Another injection into her eye. I shudder every time I say that. I was once offered this as an alternative to months on steroids, but I couldn't do it.

This is my mother's 5th injection. She was very brave with the first but is becoming more reluctant with each one. Today however she met a different doctor and was thrilled with her technique. She says she was very reassuring, sang along to the music and encouraged her to smile and be happy whilst all the time drawing that huge needle every closer to her eye. She said it was the least sore of the 5 and that afterwards there was no pain when she blinked. I love that doctor.

I'm always intrigued as to who designs buildings with their purpose in mind. So here we have the third floor of the eye pavilion, where people with very dilated pupils have to wander round with limited vision. Having been a patient, I can tell you that these lines and patterns really hurt your eyes. Clearly someone was not seeing straight when they designed it.

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