
By Houseonahill6

Reach for the stars

I arrived in Edinburgh this afternoon after a train journey from Inverness. It's interesting watching people . On the table next to me they were having a picnic, Ham rolls, hula hoops, tunnock tea cakes, penguins ( jokes on the wrappers ) and a flask of coffee, I think they were retired teachers , always thinking ahead and resourceful lol.

Met Mike among all the people that seemed to be piling into Edinburgh.
No doughnuts :(
We had an interesting evening at the Royal observatory and although it was too windy and cloudy to see any stars it was still fascinating to see the large telescope and they opened part of the doomed roof .

We had a tasty meal in Frank and Benny's with very good service :)

Hope to sleep tonight but I'm not used to ANY noise apart from the owls and we're near a fan !

Night night all. Have a good weekend.

Using my iPad mini for the first time to post a blip so hope it works ok.

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