Are My Eyes Deceiving Me .....

..... or can anyone else see a (slightly distorted) horse's head in this branch?

Busy indoors today (all right, I'll admit it - playing on the iPad!!), so just a quick wander round the garden seeing what has changed. This caught my eye and cropped it to emphasise the "head".

I did spend some time outside chopping down bushes - it's my speciality:-) The Head Gardener has to clear up the mess, of course! There's a cold nip in the air, although it was pleasant in the sunshine and don't think this mild spell will last much longer. Not a problem for daughter and son-in-law, who are on their way to Florida right at this moment:-) I'm not jealous - not really - well maybe just a little bit!

Have a lovely weekend (doesn't it come round so quickly?)

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