shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

So where is the camel???

A complicated route set by the Scotrail website was required to get from Stirling to Motherwell this afternoon, which even the conductor thought was mad - but the website was proved right and I arrived on schedule a good half hour before I would have arrived going the usual route via Glasgow. Quite entertaining while on the first leg, which was two stops on the Edinburgh train from Stirling was the annoyance expressed by one of the other passengers, a student who was telling an old friend from school about how irritating the Scotrail train announcements are for getting the pronunciation of this place wrong. It's not Camel-on (rhyming with Camelot), it's Came-lon, with the came pronounced like the past tense of come. Seeing as I get annoyed at wrong spellings of my name I suppose I can understand the annoyance. Though I will say I was more immediately concerned that it was pretty chilly on the platform for 20 minutes between trains!

Late night, fried brain, hence a back blip

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