family of 4 x

By CarrieMills

We do love a new park

Mark was at work today so just me and the babies for a few hours before I had to nip into town. I hate dragging them around so they got to spend a couple of hours with grandad, I'm sure none of them would of complained about that.

I came just after Mark had finished work but thought as babies hadn't been out today I'd nip them to a park for a quick play. This was all well and good but Caleb fell asleep in the car on the way there so Erin got some time just me and her while Caleb slept snuggly in his push chair. It was freezing the weather has defiantly changed, Caleb looked so cosy I was quite jealous. Erin loved it though we hadn't been to this park before so there was lots of New things to explore including a simon says board that you press the button and it interacts with a game of Simon says. She thought a few of the actions were silly 'brush your teeth' and 'comb your hair' we can't do them mummy we are at the park not at home??!!

A quick stop at the shop to pick up some more uniform for Erin as I totally under estimated how much she would need, I wasn't expecting that she would be ditched most days so we now have enough for the full five days.

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