family of 4 x

By CarrieMills

bath time giggles

I had the day of all days at work today, 8 hours flew by and I achieved nothing!! The bonus was coming home to my babies who were both in an amazing mood!!
They have spent the day with mamma m, Erin went to nursery in the morning and did a painting of Emma, one of the other childminders and her mindee Hollie??!
Today she has been practicing p so that is now added to t from Friday. Its so sweet hearing her sound out the letters over and over.....and over and over :)
Babies helped me put some clothes away before bath time, when I say helped they jumped on the bed with coat hangers going everywhere.
They had a lovely giggly bath, did lots of very silly things that made each other really belly laugh. To say they have almost 2 years between them they really do play nice some of the time.

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