family of 4 x

By CarrieMills

beautiful :)

Childminders today for the babies and Caleb now gets to go to a toddler group on his own while Erin is at nursery, but he decided that all the toys were his and didn't want to share. He wasn't mean to anyone but just hogged everthing apparently, think he's been watching his big sister as this is something shes just gone through!
Erin had her first accident at nursery but Denise thinks it happened very close to the end as she only noticed when she had sat on the pushchair that he skirt was then wet.

A play upstairs before bed tonight and Caleb is still finding coat hangers very exciting???! Who needs exciting toys??

Mean mummy thought it would be funny to see what bobbles look like in calebs hair, I'd say they look fanatic :)

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