Wall of Flame ...

At our local Mexican. This is where we had lunch after church today. I have blipped this before (last October) and was going to this year too, but never got round to it!!! So here we are with a wall of some super hot sauces and supplies. Makes for an interesting blip anyway.

The Filipina Choir were singing at worship today and it was lovely to see them up there despite the hardship of some who have loved ones in areas effected by the devastating typhoon. They were a big blessing!

We also had a guest speaker who spoke on the Gift of Thanksgiving and the simplicity of just declaring thanks to God, daily, for simple specific things! So you might find me doing that more so now .... Trying to put it all into practice ;-)

The rest of the day was spent with the boys and more relaxing at home. Busy week coming up so 'thankful' for a restful weekend for sure and precious time spent with my family.

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