
By 5nations

Bee off with you.

God I have so much work on at the moment that my brain is fried.

The poor thing is trying to multitask 1billion trillion zillion things - at the same time as running the house and making sure that the kids aren't getting into 'too much' trouble, and sorting the Uther Arf out with various meals throughout the day.

I've never been one for organisation but I think it's time I sat down and prioritised and perhaps, actually manage to make a list (my brother would be pleased!).

I caught this bee doing a most strange dance on the sofa. Either that or it was airing it's armpits??
So rather than do a list I took far too long blipping it and now i'm at least 45 minutes behind! Doesn't matter, if I don't feed the kids today I should make that time up, haha!

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