Daily Wild

By emyjane

Explosion of starlings

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I've never liked the collective noun for starlings 'murmuration' - 'a low continious indistinct sound' - they're anything but that. It's a high pitched chattering squeal & they literally explode against the sky, flying over, swirling, a great mass of of black feathers. I was in fact photographing the group on the telegraph wires but then heard my dad exclaim 'OH WOW' & suddenly in my view finder these appeared & I kept my finger hard down on the clicker taking shot after shot in quick succession! These guys then made their way to Bideford where some of them roost under the old bridge - must get there one day to see it! I just love how they turned up... unexpectedly - after such a grey, grim, drizzly drive this afternoon - thanks guys! :)


Tree track

So yes first time out in a week. Then back home to do some design work & then try & finish my book club book - one more LONG chapter to go - it's P.D. James 'Death comes to Pemberley' a continue on from Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice (something I just couldn't read, even though it's a satire of it's time, I just couldn't stand all the pomp), I did indeed watch the TV production & every time I read Mr Darcy speaking, I hear Colin Firth (not bad thing I know, but annoying!). It drags on this book, like P&P - there is a murder, as P.D. James is indeed a crime writer, but the inquest to the death only turned up on page 160! I like her writing though - ok, she tried to stay true to Miss Austen, but every so often I think her own writing showed it's head... not that I've read any P.D. James, but Jane Austen certainly didn't write like that! :) xxx

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